Friday, July 16, 2010

They Call Me Mr. Competitive

No, seriously! Today at our lunch stop, we were lucky enough to eat on the porch of a bar in Lake Geneva, WI. Upon arrival, I noticed a very nice sand volleyball court and was excited when some people asked to hit the ball around. We were just having fun when someone said, "So, should we start a game?" I of course was the first to chime in with a yes! That's when it happened. Someone said, "Well, Mr. Competitive, that's not a surprise." Most people would think, "well that's rude to name call," but not this guy. It was more of a proud moment. Someone actually told me it was their goal to beat me today in volleyball, which sadly for them didn't happen because we ended up on the same team for the second game, which we lost. You will all be glad to know that I handled the loss well, didn't yell at anyone, and still laughed during the game. I may have had a pep talk with myself out loud after a botched serve, but baby steps people, baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine why anyone would call you "Mr. Competitive"!!!!!
